Mission Statement
As Music Educators, it is our mission to inspire and guide every student in active music making through the use of a sequential and creative curriculum that nurtures the human spirit and promotes cultural understanding.
SHS Band Performance Schedule
Tuesdays All-City Band (Honors) 3:30-5pm
9/12 Volunteer w/ Instrument Distribution (EXTRA CREDIT) 3-6pm, Band Room
9/20 Fluff Festival Prep 3pm-6pm
9/21 Fluff Festival 1-6pm, Union Sq
10/6 HONK! Parade (tentative) 11am-2pm, Band Room
11/27 Pep Rally during school day, Band Room
12/5 Tree Lighting 4:30-7pm
12/19 SHS Winter Concert 5:30-9pm, Band Room
5/15 SHS Spring Concert 5:30-9pm, Band Room
5/25 Memorial Day Parade (tentative) TBD
5/30 Class Day 9am-12pm, Band Room
6/2 Graduation 4-8pm, Dilboy Stadium
9/12 Volunteer w/ Instrument Distribution (EXTRA CREDIT) 3-6pm, Band Room
9/20 Fluff Festival Prep 3pm-6pm
9/21 Fluff Festival 1-6pm, Union Sq
10/6 HONK! Parade (tentative) 11am-2pm, Band Room
11/27 Pep Rally during school day, Band Room
12/5 Tree Lighting 4:30-7pm
12/19 SHS Winter Concert 5:30-9pm, Band Room
5/15 SHS Spring Concert 5:30-9pm, Band Room
5/25 Memorial Day Parade (tentative) TBD
5/30 Class Day 9am-12pm, Band Room
6/2 Graduation 4-8pm, Dilboy Stadium